Tackle Imposter Syndrome

Monday Motivation

Imposter syndrome is the idea that your success is due to luck or good timing and not your skills or qualifications. At one time or another we have felt the imposter syndrome sneak up on us. A fear that you won’t live up to expectations. Most people have moments of doubt, that’s normal.

The trick is not let it get ahold of you, move on and continue to grow and achieve your dreams.


Here are some steps to overcome imposter feelings:

Learn to value constructive criticism, no one is perfect and it’s good to hear from outside of your own thoughts.

Expect to make mistakes especially when starting a new experience. Find a mentor who has been on a similar path to yours.

Stay focused on your own achievements, stop comparing yourself to others. Get off social media for a while and focus on you.

Feeling unsure doesn’t make you an imposter, it means you are learning.

Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.
