What's Your Motivation Style?

Monday Motivation

Here are some common motivation styles that drive people to work hard and achieve success.

Money and Rewards: We all want to get all the shiny new stuff. The stuff isn’t really important but maybe its the feeling of getting the new stuff that is driving you.

Desire to be the Best, Win: Think of world record athletes, to be the best of the best they dig hard and sacrifice a lot. There can only be one at the top.

Helping Others: For some it’s changing the lives of the people around them and making a difference. Maybe you have been there and know the feeling so helping others motivates you to keep going.

Power and Fame: Politicians and business men want to become powerful leaders.They are driven to achieve greater power and fame in life.

Recognition: To prove that either they are right or someone is wrong. Sometimes it’s just to getting recognition from others.

Passion: Think about it, there are times when you feel so passionate for something that you are willing to sacrifice for it.

You can be driven by more than one motivation style but there will always be a dominant style. Find out which style motivates you the most. Create a plan to drive your success with that style of motivation.


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Find Your Morning Spark

Monday Motivation

Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by, remember to click the like button and leave a comment below.

Find something you like, it can be anything to get you up and going in the morning. We all have something that gets us excited and happy to start our day. For some its going on a bike ride, sketching or listen to your favorite song. The point is to start your day with a positive thought and feeling. When ever we have something we are excited about we tend to wake up feeling better and ready.

So look for your morning spark, could be just one anything simple and try to have different kind of morning spark every other day or 2 to 3 different kinds in a week. Find the time to do it every day even just for a little bit, so you can feel satisfied that you started your day with something you love and enjoy. This should help make you feel good and keep you going with your routine the rest of the day.


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Tackle Imposter Syndrome

Monday Motivation

Imposter syndrome is the idea that your success is due to luck or good timing and not your skills or qualifications. At one time or another we have felt the imposter syndrome sneak up on us. A fear that you won’t live up to expectations. Most people have moments of doubt, that’s normal.

The trick is not let it get ahold of you, move on and continue to grow and achieve your dreams.


Here are some steps to overcome imposter feelings:

Learn to value constructive criticism, no one is perfect and it’s good to hear from outside of your own thoughts.

Expect to make mistakes especially when starting a new experience. Find a mentor who has been on a similar path to yours.

Stay focused on your own achievements, stop comparing yourself to others. Get off social media for a while and focus on you.

Feeling unsure doesn’t make you an imposter, it means you are learning.

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The Magic of Follow Through

Monday Motivation

When I was in art school I had a life drawing class. I was completely intimidated by this class, I had never drawn people before. In the first few weeks we did a lot of quick sketches the gesture and I was getting comfortable drawing people.
In the middle of the semester I noticed I was still having issues with drawing people and I didn’t seem to be improving. I was doing all the quick warm-up sketches and watching the instructors demos but that was all I was doing. I never did follow through with the rest of the drawing process and so had no practical skills just theory from watching the demos. I realized I had to face the hard part of drawing and follow through to the end of the process.
The last part of the semester I made sure to not just do the warm-up sketches and watch the demos but also complete the drawing, mistakes and all. I would love to say that by the end of the semester I had mastered figure drawing but that is unrealistic. I did however really understand the drawing process, learned what I needed to work on and could practice and I did improve much quicker.

Decide what it is you are going to learn. Example: I’m going to learn portraits or hands

Follow through to the end. Example: After I sketch the gesture I will continue with the form and anatomy.

Practice and stick with it until you know it. Example: I’ve drawn 100 hands but they still look off, I will continue to study the hands until I can comfortably draw them


Staying Motivated During Tough Times

Monday Motivation

The hardest thing to do is stay motivated and even harder durning tough times of our lives. Don’t give up there are some things you can do to help you prepare and keep you motivated.

Set up a habit and keep with it. It’s easier to continue a habit than it is a schedule. A schedule is work and a habit is something you just do, out of habit. Start the habit as a small change like drawing for 20 minutes everyday. Build on habits to make bigger changes.

Have a social network. It’s important to have a group to bounce ideas off of and to be social with. Having fun is just as much a part of motivation has challenge is, so have fun with your social network.

Celebrate the small successes. Break up big goals into smaller goals and when you reach that smaller goal celebrate your accomplishment. It will help you realize that you are making progress towards your goal.

Announce what you intend to do. Make announcements about your goals to family, friends, social networks and social media. This holds you accountable and will give you more reason to keep going.

I hope this helps keep your motivation going. Don’t give up!


Do This Now for More Success

Monday Motivation

Now is the perfect time to do what ever it is you have been waiting to do. Don’t wait any longer do it now.

Life will always have distractions, set backs and joyous moments. There will never be that perfect moment to start something or get something done. Don’t put it off or wait, start today you will feel a sense of accomplishment just by starting. If you are afraid or it seems impossible or to big of a task, the longer you put it off the more impossible it seems. Starting doesn’t mean you have to finish it today but it puts you on the right track for success.

I put off having a blog and website and thought it would be impossible and I didn’t even know where to start. I finally just followed my own advice and I just started. I did what ever I could do in the beginning and now have a website with a blog. I feel that I have a long way to go but I also feel it is now possible. No more excuses get going and do it now.

I think Nike’s slogan said it best and still holds true today, “Just Do It”.

Don’t wait for life to happen, Just Do It!

Don’t wait for life to happen, Just Do It!


Keep Going

Monday Motivation

Sometimes it can feel like nothing is going your way and you just want to give up. Don’t stop keep going, it’s ok the tough moments in life will pass. We all struggle with different things at different times in our lives. It’s not necessarily about the end result today but the journey and where it leads you next.

Don’t stop creating your art, keep going. Today you have a hard time with drawing and tomorrow you could have a break through. Maybe after months of painting something clicks for you and your understanding grows. Keep going.
