Enjoy the Little Moments of Magic

Monday Motivation


Little moments of magic happen throughout our journey. Maybe you finally drew the perfect hand or created an amazing layout, or a drawing really told a story that you have been trying to get right. These are all moments where everything lined up and the magic happened. Don’t just pass over them especially if you have been working on that skill for a long time. If you ignore your successes you will not see your growth.

Take a little time to recognize it, appreciate it and continue to grow. You have achieved your goal, it feels good. Carry that feeling onto your next challenge.

Art is a journey not a destination enjoy it for all it’s worth.

Thank you for stopping by, see you next time.


Staying Motivated During Tough Times

Monday Motivation

The hardest thing to do is stay motivated and even harder durning tough times of our lives. Don’t give up there are some things you can do to help you prepare and keep you motivated.

Set up a habit and keep with it. It’s easier to continue a habit than it is a schedule. A schedule is work and a habit is something you just do, out of habit. Start the habit as a small change like drawing for 20 minutes everyday. Build on habits to make bigger changes.

Have a social network. It’s important to have a group to bounce ideas off of and to be social with. Having fun is just as much a part of motivation has challenge is, so have fun with your social network.

Celebrate the small successes. Break up big goals into smaller goals and when you reach that smaller goal celebrate your accomplishment. It will help you realize that you are making progress towards your goal.

Announce what you intend to do. Make announcements about your goals to family, friends, social networks and social media. This holds you accountable and will give you more reason to keep going.

I hope this helps keep your motivation going. Don’t give up!


Do This Now for More Success

Monday Motivation

Now is the perfect time to do what ever it is you have been waiting to do. Don’t wait any longer do it now.

Life will always have distractions, set backs and joyous moments. There will never be that perfect moment to start something or get something done. Don’t put it off or wait, start today you will feel a sense of accomplishment just by starting. If you are afraid or it seems impossible or to big of a task, the longer you put it off the more impossible it seems. Starting doesn’t mean you have to finish it today but it puts you on the right track for success.

I put off having a blog and website and thought it would be impossible and I didn’t even know where to start. I finally just followed my own advice and I just started. I did what ever I could do in the beginning and now have a website with a blog. I feel that I have a long way to go but I also feel it is now possible. No more excuses get going and do it now.

I think Nike’s slogan said it best and still holds true today, “Just Do It”.

Don’t wait for life to happen, Just Do It!

Don’t wait for life to happen, Just Do It!