Beginner Pineapple Painting

Friday Fun

We are going to paint a couple of pineapples but we are not going to stress or worry about rules. Let’s get started and have some fun.

acrylic paint - cheap
paint brushes
canvas or acrylic paper - canvas might work better, tape tears paper

Tape the entire canvas or acrylic paper. Make sure to over lap the tape’s edges
Draw out the shape of a pineapple, it can be a simple oval
Carefully cutout the pineapple shapes
Paint the pineapple area that is not covered by tape. It can be any colors you want. I chose blues like the ocean for one and warm colors like a sunset for the other pineapple. Let the paint dry completely.
Tape crisscross pattern on the pineapples


Paint white on exposed areas, this is so the other colors show up better. Let dry completely
Paint pineapple colors, yellows, browns and greens. I used a sponge so it would have texture. Let dry completely.


Remove the tape carefully, if using the acrylic paper be very careful the tape does tear the paper.
Add the pineapple top, painting the stems green and yellows.


Congratulations you are done and have some really cool art.

Thanks for stopping by, see you next time.
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Hand Design: Masculine vs. Feminine vs. Baby

Tutorial Tuesday

Hello and welcome to today’s tutorial, hands. These are some of the things I think about when I’m designing hands for a character.

Over all hand shape and proportions.


What type of wrist connects to the hand.


What are the length and shape of the fingers.


These are just some suggestions and not rules. Try it out and see what you can come up with.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time. Remember to like and leave a comment.


See Your Skills Improve

Monday Motivation

Feel like your drawing is a failure? It’s ok to feel you’re not where you want to be in your art career, but don’t dwell on it. Work towards your goals and practice your skills with intent. If you just had a bad drawing take out one of your older drawings and take a look at it. I like to keep a drawing or painting of a time I thought was successful and then go back and look at it again a year later and compare it to what I’m doing today. Wow such a difference in my approach and what I thought was successful. I try to do this every year so I can really see the improvement and it keeps me going.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time. remember to leave a comment and like our page.


Find Your Morning Spark

Monday Motivation

Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by, remember to click the like button and leave a comment below.

Find something you like, it can be anything to get you up and going in the morning. We all have something that gets us excited and happy to start our day. For some its going on a bike ride, sketching or listen to your favorite song. The point is to start your day with a positive thought and feeling. When ever we have something we are excited about we tend to wake up feeling better and ready.

So look for your morning spark, could be just one anything simple and try to have different kind of morning spark every other day or 2 to 3 different kinds in a week. Find the time to do it every day even just for a little bit, so you can feel satisfied that you started your day with something you love and enjoy. This should help make you feel good and keep you going with your routine the rest of the day.


Thanks for stopping by and see you next time.