Shape Basics: Characters From Shapes

Tutorial Tuesday

When creating characters try to work out the overall shape first. Explore different shapes and don’t be afraid to differ from the norm or what you are used to seeing. Have fun and doodle. Let’s get started with sketching some shapes.

Sketch out some basic shape ideas.


Add character details to the shapes.


Clean-up the sketch and you are left with a fun character.


Thanks for stopping by, see you next time. Remember to like and follow me for more art tutorials.


Hand Design: Masculine vs. Feminine vs. Baby

Tutorial Tuesday

Hello and welcome to today’s tutorial, hands. These are some of the things I think about when I’m designing hands for a character.

Over all hand shape and proportions.


What type of wrist connects to the hand.


What are the length and shape of the fingers.


These are just some suggestions and not rules. Try it out and see what you can come up with.

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Value Basics for Beginners

Tutorial Tuesday

Let’s get started with some basics for values.

Value: how light or dark something is.

Value Is used in drawing and painting to depict light and shadow. These values define form giving the illusion of depth and space.
Value has the ability to define: Mood, atmosphere, composition, and the believability of the image. If your values are inaccurate your drawing or painting falls apart. If you have correct values in your drawing/painting you can use any color you want and it will look correct.

It’s a good idea to practice a value scale, white to black scale with each step filled with grey getting darker the closer to black the square is.

Try it out: make a row of 1 inch squares, 5 to 10 squares long, keep the first square white and the last square black. Each square should be darker grey as they get closer to the black square. Try to keep a consistent change in value between each square.


Another practice is to create another value scale but this time smooth transitions from light to dark.
Try it out: make another value scale next to your previous value scale and start with the dark side and work you way back to white.


After you done a these scales try a small drawing using value only. As you are drawing have the values scales you have completed next to you so you can refer to them as you draw.


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Keep Perspective in Mind

Tutorial Tuesday

When sketching out your idea always try to keep perspective in mind so your elements line up or are placed in the sketch properly. This helps to keep realistic positioning and makes the sketch more believable even if you are cartooning. If you are having trouble seeing the perspective as you draw go ahead and add some grid lines to help you see. You can always remove them later for the final drawing.


Learn Primitive Shapes to Draw Anything

Tutorial Tuesday

Shape Basics: Primitive & Primary Shapes

Get to know basic primitive shapes that you can use to build up a drawing. Primitive shapes are a great tool for breaking down complex forms into simplified shapes. It is much easier to visualize the simple shapes and arrange your ideas. Practice drawing shapes from all angles and perspective, squash and stretch them so when it comes time to draw you are already familiar with the shapes.

Start with circles and squares. Squash and stretch them into different sizes and shapes. Play around and have fun with it.


Combine the circles and squares to create more shapes. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations and fill a page of shapes.


Put the shapes together and draw something. Simple shapes can create fun images and you can combine the shapes to get more complex drawings.


Go ahead and try this, have fun and doodle. Let’s see what you can come up with.

Thanks for following along, see you next time.


Shape Basics For Beginners: Draw Through

Tutorial Tuesday

Shape Basics: Draw Through

Draw through objects as you draw. When placing an object behind another don’t just draw the parts the viewer would see, this can cause miss alignment and have a weird effect. Drawing through helps you line up and place the objects you are drawing properly.

Add more details using the shape structure lines as guides to add eyes, nose or other details.

Clean up your structure lines by removing the lines you don’t want to see in the final drawing.

There you go well done!
