Learn Primitive Shapes to Draw Anything

Tutorial Tuesday

Shape Basics: Primitive & Primary Shapes

Get to know basic primitive shapes that you can use to build up a drawing. Primitive shapes are a great tool for breaking down complex forms into simplified shapes. It is much easier to visualize the simple shapes and arrange your ideas. Practice drawing shapes from all angles and perspective, squash and stretch them so when it comes time to draw you are already familiar with the shapes.

Start with circles and squares. Squash and stretch them into different sizes and shapes. Play around and have fun with it.


Combine the circles and squares to create more shapes. Don’t be afraid to try different combinations and fill a page of shapes.


Put the shapes together and draw something. Simple shapes can create fun images and you can combine the shapes to get more complex drawings.


Go ahead and try this, have fun and doodle. Let’s see what you can come up with.

Thanks for following along, see you next time.


Drawing Shape Basics for Beginners

Tutorial Tuesday

Shape Basics: Large to Small

Look for basic shapes before you begin the drawing. This will help you map out the shapes you are going to use in the drawing.

Start with the largest shapes first when beginning your sketch or drawing. When you start with large shapes and work your way towards smaller shapes this will help with placement and design of the overall drawing. Place the largest shapes and then add the medium shapes and work your way down to the small shapes. Don’t put in any details in yet, you still may need to make adjustments.


Connect all of your shapes and work on the form of your subject. Don’t worry and take your time, you have done most of the work already and this is the fun part. Your drawing is now taking shape.

Keep the details last, they should just be the textures, patterns and small details that will help enhance the final drawing. They should not be the most important part of the drawing. There you go you did it. Congratulations!

Keep practicing and have fun.